Chocolate Frogs and Ghostmallows

That’s right today is the day we make chocolate frogs. Or sort of vaguely frog shaped chocolates. These are going to be a bit of a mash up between Chocolate Frogs and Peppermint Cream Toads. So yay best of both worlds.

250g icing sugar
2 tablespoons condensed milk
oil of peppermint
Plain chocolate

Sieve the icing sugar into a bowl and add the condensed milk and peppermint oil. Now mix it till it starts to form a dough and the knead it till it’s shiny and smooth. Then mould you’re little frogs, I happen to have a frog mould. If you also happen to have a frog mould oil it and use that. If you don’t make one large-ish blunt triangle and add two smaller triangles to the fat end to make legs. If you want to get all artistic with your frog please do. Then melt your chocolate in a bain marie and coat the peppermint frogs. Leave to dry on a drying rack and you’re all done.

Now for the Ghostmallows

400g caster sugar
6 tsp of glucose
6 tsp gelatine or vege gel
350 ml water
peppermint oil or other flavouring
cornfour for moulding

Place the sugar, glucose, gelatine and water in a pan and bring to the boil. Boil for 2 minutes then remove from the heat. Pack cornflour into a deep baking tray, make indentations in the cornflour using an egg or small bowl. Add favouring to the sugar syrup. Beat with an electric mixer for 10 minutes or until it’s white and thick and frothy. Spoon the mix into the recesses in the cornflour and allow to set. Use the licorice to make little eyes on your ghostlets

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